Zigong-made simulation dinosaurs become popular all over the world

Time:March 06,2022 Visits:258

Zigong is the home of dinosaurs, not only real dinosaurs but also fake ones. Zigong used to be a sea, but now it is a hilly area. In the "dinosaur cemetery" of Zigong Dinosaur Museum, tens of thousands of dinosaur remains are displayed in front of the world. In the silence, it seems to hear the roar of the giant wheel of time grinding through the prehistoric era. These giants, covered with scales, rough skin and over 20 meters tall, would never have imagined that their images would still be active on the earth more than 100 million years after they retired from the stage of history. Today, Zigong, the "hometown of dinosaurs”, produces more than 80% of the world's simulated dinosaurs. Universal Studios Hollywood, Chicago Zoo, etc. are customers here. Last year alone, the annual export sales of Zigong simulated dinosaurs (including simulated animals) reached 100 million yuan.


The price of ordinary simulation dinosaurs ranges from ¥10,000 to ¥200,000 ($1500~$30000); Intelligent dinosaurs that can make sounds can be sold for more than 1 million yuan; dinosaurs that can walk independently can even sell for a sky-high price of 4 million yuan.