Dinosaurs of the Jurassic Age

Time:October 08,2022 Visits:202

Whether it's "Jurassic Park" or "Jurassic World", friends who like dinosaurs will definitely look for all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie, whether it is carnivorous Brachiosaurus, or tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex, or intelligent velociraptor, it is still necessary to add some dinosaur knowledge before watching the movie.


Height: 9-13 meters

Body length: 21-27 meters

Combat Index: 2

Brachiosaurus is a sauropod dinosaur that lived in the late Jurassic period. Brachiosaurus was one of the largest animals that ever lived on land, and one of the most famous dinosaurs of all.

A huge herbivorous dinosaur of the late Jurassic period, whose name originally means lizard with a head like a wrist.

2. Parasaurolophus

Height: 4 meters

Body length: 10 meters

Combat Index: 2

Parasaurolophus is a kind of duck-billed dragon with a hollow protrusion on the top of its head, such as a hat. It has a keen sense of hearing and is good at swimming when it encounters danger. It is a vegetarian dinosaur. The 1-meter-long headgear on the head can emit a high-decibel sound, which can guide the companions to escape quickly when the carnivorous dinosaurs attack.

3. Gallimimus

Height: 2-3 meters

Body length: 4.7-8 meters

Combat Index: 2

Gallimimus, meaning "chicken imitator", is a genus of dinosaurs belonging to the family Ornithomimidae, discovered in the Nemegate Formation of Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Mongolia. The longest 4-8 meters in length and 440 kilograms in weight, it is the largest ornithomimosaur family.

4. Stegosaurus

Height: 4-5 meters

Body length: 9-10.1 meters

Combat Index: 3

Stegosaurus is a huge herbivorous dinosaur. It was a herbivorous animal that lived in the late Jurassic period. It had a row of huge bony plates on its back and a dangerous tail with four spikes for defense. Predator attack. They inhabit the plains and live in nomadic herds with other herbivores such as Diplodocus.

5. Pterosaur

Height: 8-10 meters

Body length: 2-3 meters

Combat Index: 5

Pterosaurs, also known as pterodactyls, are an extinct reptile with nearly 100 species. Despite living in the same era as the dinosaurs, pterosaurs were not dinosaurs. There is a very large gap in the size of pterosaurs, from forest pterosaurs as small as birds to the largest flying creatures that have ever appeared on earth, such as Aeolus pterosaurs and Hatzig pterosaurs, with a wingspan of more than 12 meters and teeth. It is 10 cm long and has a huge pointed beak.


Height: 3-3.6 meters

Body length: 8.9-10 meters

Combat Index: 5

Triceratops, a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs belonging to the family Ceratosaurididae of the order Ornithischia ceratopsian. Fossils were found in the Late Cretaceous Late Maastricht strata in North America, about 68 million to 65 million years ago. . Triceratops is one of the last dinosaurs to appear, and is often used as a representative fossil of the Late Cretaceous. Triceratops is also one of the most famous dinosaurs and a very popular dinosaur in popular culture.

7. Velociraptor

Height: 1.6-1.83 meters

Body length: 5 meters

Combat Index: 6

Velociraptor, the genus name means "swift thief" in Latin. Velociraptors lived in the Late Cretaceous period, about 83 to 70 million years ago. They were supposed to be a very intelligent dinosaur, active and athletic, excellent runners, and capable of catching fast-moving prey.

8. Compsognathus

Height: 0.3 meters

Body length: 1 meters

Combat Index: 6

Compsognathus is a genus of small bipedal carnivorous theropod dinosaurs. It is about the size of a turkey and lived in Europe in the early Titonian period of the Late Jurassic, about 150 million years ago.

9. Dilophosaurus

Height: 3 meters

Body length: 6 meters

Combat Index:7

Dilophosaurus's body is relatively sturdy, with a tall skull, developed jawbone, a very large mouth, and a mouth full of teeth like sharp small knives. There are small serrations on the front and rear edges of the teeth. The captured prey is then swallowed in chunks of meat. In addition, there are holes in the skull behind the eyes of the dilophosaurus. These holes are used to better attach the muscles that affect the jawbone, so the force of the dilophosaurus's bite must be very powerful.

10. Mosasaurus

Body length:18-21 meters

Combat Index:8

The land was ruled by tyrannosaurs, and the mosasaurs ran rampant in the ocean. Although there is a dragon in the name of Mosasaurus, it is actually two kinds of creatures with terrestrial dinosaurs. The real body is a large aquatic carnivorous lizard. It lived in the late Cretaceous period. Basically, they swim in the water with their dishes, swimming speed and sharpness. And dense teeth are their trump card.

11. Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Height:4-5.2 meters

Body length: 12 -13.5 meters

Combat Index:9

Tyrannosaurus-Rex lived in the Maastrichtian stage (MAA) at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 68.5 million to 65 million years ago, and was the last non-avian dinosaur before the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. one of the types. Tyrannosaurus rex is the largest of the tyrannosaur family. The body length is about 11.5-14.7 meters. The average hip height is about 4 meters. The highest hip height can reach about 5.2 meters, and the highest head height is nearly 6 meters. The average weight is about 9 tons, (the ecological average is about 7.6 tons), the heaviest is 14.85 tons, and the maximum head length is about 1.55 meters. The bite force is generally 90,000 Newtons to 120,000 Newtons, and the maximum mouth end can reach about 200,000 Newtons. It is also the most stout carnivorous dinosaur.